Taylor Residence Hall

Residence Hall Features

Taylor Hall is a men’s residence designed to accommodate 121 students.

Each room features two twin beds, two desks, two chairs, two dressers, and two wardrobes.

First Floor: NBA Jam arcade, air hockey table, vending machines, lobby with seating, TV, pool table, and ping pong table

Second Floor: laundry room and computer lab

Resident Director

Jake Lehrer
Resident Director, Taylor Hall and Campus Apartments; Intramural Coordinator


  • Ping Pong Tournament
  • Reverse Trick or Treating
  • Taylor Hall vs. Jennings Hall Olympics

Room Dimensions

  • Room – 12′ x 16’2″
  • Closet – 2’1″ x 7’11″ (2)
  • Window – 2’8″ x 4’9″ (2)
  • Wardrobe – 4′ x 2′ (2)

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